Safety Advisory Services
Safety Training
Speco Sustainability works with customers to design and deliver safety training programmes. We work around your company’s work schedules and requirements, ensuring that training does not cause unnecessary upheaval to your business. While employers do have a statutory requirement to provide training to employees, we do not believe it is appropriate to provide blanket training for staff which may not be necessary or indeed relevant. Instead, we work with you to assess what training is actually required by the company, and to target this training at the right people.
The following H&S training courses can be delivered to small or large groups:
- Safety Representative training
- Manual handling
- Patient Handling
- Risk Assessment Training
- Safety Induction Training
- Abrasive Wheels
- Chemical Handling
- CE Marking
- Contractor Safety Induction & Training
- Crane Safety
- Emergency Response
- Employee Safety Training
- Ergonomics
- Fire Response
- Hazard Risk Assessment
- Hazardous Waste Handling
- Hearing Conservation
- Hot Work Safety
- Injury/Illness Recordkeeping
- Laser Safety
- Lockout/Tagout
- Machine Guarding
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Safety Representative Training
- Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention
- Safe Working at Heights
- First Aid
- Forklift Safety
Assisting with Close Out Corrective Actions from external parties
Many of our customers seek our assistance after having a regulatory inspection or internal company audit from sister company. It’s prudent to get good advice as it saves time and money. Issues are common and questions often arise after inspections, such as:
- Pinpointing what you’re being asked to do, or exactly what needs to be changed; it may be difficult to identify exactly what issues need to be dealt with.
- Perhaps you already have a system in place but the inspector was not told about it on the day, or your employee just found it difficult to impart the information needed.
- You may have been given enforcement notices with deadlines to meet.
When faced with these situations, customers can access our expertise and help to ensure they are getting the assistance they actually require, and at the right cost. Where corrective action is required, SPeco can oversee the process to completion, freeing up valuable company employees to focus on day-to-day operations without diverting company time into specialist areas that may only need input on an ad hoc basis.
Emergency Preparedness
One of the main business challenges in planning for serious emergencies and pandemics is that we cannot forecast the nature and impact of the threat until it emerges. Examples of recent global pandemic threats include the Avian Flu and the Swine Flu outbreaks.
Speco Sustainability has worked with multinational organisations to develop emergency and pandemic preparedness strategies which address the following:
- Project planning and team briefing
- Pandemic risk identification
- Business impact analysis
- Plan development
- Plan testing
- Plan maintenance and updating
Insurance Management
Speco Sustainability works with Cleary’s Loss Assessors & Insurance Services to ensure our clients are best served in the event that they have a claim. Their team of professional, full-time Loss Assessors, Quantity Surveyors and Negotiators will assess, collate and negotiate on behalf of our clients.
Consultancy to Review or Develop Business Continuity Plans
Implement ISO45001 Procedures
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